Friday, August 18, 2006

Last Weekend

So remember when I went to the wedding and I was all surprised that I knew so many people? Well here is my old friend A holding the brides youngest baby.

Cute huh?

Once I realize how many people where there that I haven't seen in a long time I told my sister to stop by and say Hi. Here is M, C, J and N happy to see each other again.


Soon it was time for the party to end. Here you see A and his wife C and my friend E. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of his wife B because she was camera shy but I swear she was there....

Plus, A and C's three beautiful children had already been brought home for bed by this time. I should have gotten a picture - they are adorable.

So after the wedding I went to my sister N's house and spent the night so I was able to take my nephew D to a birthday party on that part of town.

We spent the whole day at a water park and had a blast swimming. I have to brag about the fact that despite my worst fear of heights I totally went down the biggest water slide going 100 miles an hour.

Holy crap.

Pictured from left to right: D, D K, A and little B. (Acquiesser in the background)

Once the party was over I made my way over to Jamwall1's condo on the same side of town and started painting my heart out.

Here you can see the first wall we started on. It went from boring beige-white to 'Green Tea' green.

Lovely, isn't it?

Here we are at almost three walls done. Mind you that we were painting textured walls and it took twice as long as painting any normal flat wall.

I think we went pretty fast despite the situation. All I can say is that cutting in was a nightmare. I'm glad I'm done...

Here you can see Jamwall1 working hard on the 'Butter Cookie' yellow - or was it 'Butter Cream'?

Anyway - he is starting on the first dining room wall here.

It looked great when I left and I can only imagine it looks even better now with all the trim done.

SO there you have it - last weekends craziness....


Anonymous said...

Well, you made me tired just reading all of that......

jamwall said...

i swear that butter cookie paint was literally like spreading margerine on the wall.

jamwall said...

i can see that everybody dressed up for the wedding reception.


Anonymous said...

No pics of Becca?

Where I've Been