Sunday, May 14, 2006

Meet my Raccoon... "Coonie"

See that little spec that looks like a raccoon? Well, it is a raccoon. This picture was taking in my back yard while standing on my patio.

Ummmmm... HELLO!?! It's a fricken raccoon! Don't raccoons get all mean and stuff? Am I even safe outside anymore?

They other day it was like 2 feet from my patio door. TWO FEET PEOPLE! Next thing I know that danged raccoon is gonna be sneaking IN my house when I'm not looking.

I need to breath.... in... out... in - out..... OMG! It's 6:30! Is Extreme Makeover Home Edition on early this week? I can't be blogging at a time like this....



jamwall said...

hi coonie!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would suggest staying away from them. They are along the same lines as badgers, 9 times outta 10 they'll run away from you, but that 1 time outta 10, they may lunge. But as long as they are not being cornered or surprised by you, you have nothing to fear.

Where I've Been