Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I can smell the freedom...

Today is my Friday.  I’m taking Wednesday, Thursday & Friday off from work to participate in the biggest garage sale known to man.  I can’t wait to rid myself of all the useless junk I have collected my whole life.

Less is more.

I’ll be happy if I make $50.00 sitting in the sun drinking lemonade while all my co-workers are slaving away here in corporate hell.  I mean, I realize that I will be lifting heavy boxes, setting up 348,562,532 things and blabbing with garage sale groupies the whole time but I don’t care.

I won’t be here.

1 comment:

Jay Noel said...

Some garage sale groupies are scary. They take that stuff very seriously. I think they practice their moves, grabbing stuff and pushing other buyers aside.

Where I've Been