Thursday, November 17, 2005

My hands are cold.

Yeah.  Like, really cold ok?  I mean, what the heck - so it's cold outside so it has be cold in here?  These working conditions are obscene.  We are on the top floor crimeny sakes. 
Doesn't heat rise!?!


Anonymous said...

blah blah blah. The furnace at home wouldnt come on, so slept in 30 deg na :)

That One Chick You Know said...

Boy.. it really sucks to be you huh?

he he he

twolf1920 said...

Hey thanks again for blading yesterday! I am gonna go as often as i can-I wasn't all that sore today!

Jay Noel said...

You could stick your hands under hot running water. Or maybe you should wear mittens to work.

jamwall said...

i suggest cowbell therapy!

Where I've Been