Friday, November 11, 2005

I'm just so damn CRABBY!

As of this morning, I'm sick with full blown flu-like crap. I broke out over night in a rage of acne.  My hair didn't work today. My truck is broken.  I'm gonna miss my deadline at work today but have to leave early to bring my truck in.  I had to cancel long standing plans for tonight & disappointed my friend because of that damn stupid truck.  I have to walk home from the truck place tonight.  Mark is pissed at me and he sent out karma waves to prove his point - thus my truck is broken.  I'm pissed at Mark for that and anything I decide to be at the moment.  I'm depressed about our fight.   I'm supposed to go out of town this weekend but now I feel ill.  My body aches from rollerblading last night.  I am broker than I have been in 2 years.   I can't get my attitude in check to make myself feel better and my house is a fricken mess from remodeling hell.
Good news - I'm so nauseous that I can't eat much and I may possibly lose weight.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the EXACT same thing I'm dealing with minus the acne and car trouble. I know your pain dear!

That One Chick You Know said...

It's good to know I'm not alone however, this sucks so it's crappy that your there with me.

Tell me your troubles....

Anonymous said...

oh sweetie, I highly doubt that your friend is disappointed that you have to ditch her tonight. Perhaps if you bought her 4 drinks and 2(yes TWO) shots, she would be able to forgive you. Or... you could host movie night and have lots of lovely food things and then she would forgive. Good luck with the whole truck thing. Just think you get to talk to some hottie mechanic tonight when you drop off the truck.. Perhaps if ask really nice and un-do those top two buttons he might even give you a ride home. Girl! Snap out of it! Call me.

twolf1920 said...

My life has sucked for over 2 months now, so i feel ya J!

That One Chick You Know said...

thanks everyone. I know I shouldn't complain. It seriously could be so much worse.

twolf1920 said...

Just relating with ya hun! Hang in there-give me a buzz this weekend!

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