I need to get my ears cleaned out and fast. I can barely hear anything anymore and anytime I put my head down on a pillow it's like I'm entering the deaf zone. I'm researching some options and this is what I have come up with. I'm going to get a kit tonight....
Ear coning (candling) results from experiences, responses of clients and researchers indicate the effectiveness in the following areas:
- Removal of ear wax from the ear canal (including amounts impacted deep in the ear)
- Detoxification of the sinuses resulting in relief from sinus headaches and impaction of sinuses
- Detoxification of the musculature system with resultant structural benefits
- Detoxification of the lymphatic and circulatory systems
- Detoxification of heavy metals, mercury from silver fillings and chemical poisonings
- Improves sense of smell, taste, eyesight, color perception and musical appreciation
- Facilitates sharper mental functioning
- Draws out Candida (yeast), fungus, mold, fat globules, mucus, worms, chaff, parasites, viruses, bacteria, residue from past yeast infections, residues of old medicine and/or recreational drugs
- Draws out crystallized protein waste matter created from Candida (yeast), fungus, worms and parasites that have accumulated in the nerve endings of the ear
- Helps eliminate ear pain, ringing in the ears and headaches
- Corrects ear fluid imbalances causing dizziness, nausea and loss of balance
- Drains fluid from cysts and watery sacs
- Draws excess fluid from inner ear and middle ear, giving relief from acute and/or chronic ear infection
- Reduction of associate Eustachian tube inflammation and obstruction
- Stops chronic coughing caused by impacted ear wax pushing against a nerve in the ear canal which stimulates the coughing reflex
- Reverses partial or total hearing loss even after many years
- Stimulates improvement of sound range acuity and depth
- Aids in the relief from bladder and kidney infections
- Aids in the relief of athlete's foot and other fungal skin eruptions
- Gives relief from swimmer's ear, sensation of vertigo (imbalance), ear popping and the "echo chamber" sensation in the head
- Improvement in your personality, enabling an overall sense of well-being
What did you say??/ What??/ Say that again???
Yup - that is me.... all too often!
I went through almost 4 months this year nearly deaf in one ear. It was a problem caused by allergies. Hope it never happens again.
What did Suzi say? (I am killing the dead horse aint I?)
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