Saturday, November 12, 2005

I GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got home. I had the best time despite not feeling the greatest. Turns out that I got to see the show after all!!!! I'm so happy I could make it even though I had so many things go crazy. It was worth all the effort.

I don't realize how nice it is in Minneapolis without smoking until I'm outside the city limits and in a bar that allows it. It makes one appreciate the new law all the more. <--look at me being political? (is that even a political statment?) Whatever. Even with the smoke, the girls were fabulous! I mean, really now how could they NOT be???

Well, there is no way I can sit at this desk one minute longer but I just had to tell you the good news!

If I could take you to my dreams with me, I would. Sleep well people.....

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