Wednesday, November 02, 2005


So I got home and I did the whole candle ear coning thing. I did it myself because Mark didn't believe it would do anything. I proved him wrong like 100 times over.

So far, I have one ear done. I can't tell you how different it feels without actually jumping up and down because I'm do damn happy I can hear again. This whole ear coning thing works!!! I'm so glad I'm doing it myself instead of paying some spa $70 bucks to do it.

I've spared you the details of pictures but I have to say that if I hadn't done it myself I wouldn't have believed the claims of how much it actually extracts. I'm dumbfounded at the amount of wax one ear can hold. I nearly puked and I like to think I have a strong stomach.

I tried the other ear and I set off the fire alarm. I'm waiting for the smoke to clear..


Anonymous said...

Hey.....what is this all about? Tell me how it works! What did you do!??!?!

Anonymous said...

Hey.....what is this all about? Tell me how it works! What did you do!??!?!

jamwall said...

i think you just need a turkey baster, a corkscrew, some moist towelettes and a rubber biscuit.

Anonymous said...

I wanna see some damn pics of this wax! MAKE ME PUKE!

That One Chick You Know said...

dude. There is NO way in hell I am publishing those pictures. I will admit that I did take some however, it was only to prove to my family that I wasn't exageratting. <--misspelling

I have my limits and that my friend is stepping over a boundary.

jamwall said...


twolf1920 said...

Oh comon kid...Lets see the crud that was up in your ears!!! I can't speak for jammer, but I am a sick little monkey!!!

That One Chick You Know said...

I just can't do it. I'm willing to put my life out there but that is just TMI!

twolf1920 said...

Oh well...There goes my sale of your pic to the earwax fetish sites...

jamwall said...

actually i was expressing astonishment as in "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TOOK PHOTOS!"

That One Chick You Know said...

It's possible you may have missed the reason why I did in the previous comments??

Where I've Been