Thursday, October 27, 2005


I know I haven't been around much on here but life has been a bit hellish. I haven't been in the mood to write at all.

Work has been... Well, it's work. Things are tough right now and it doesn't leave me in a mood to write. In fact, it makes me not know WHAT to write. I suppose being angry can do that to a person.

The remodel has been off hold yet nothing is really being accomplished. I'm unsure of the reasons but I guess I have to get some initial stuff done first. Like, pick a paint color.

Life right now isn't as fun as I would like it too be but I guess we all get into ruts. I'm just happy that I found some of my old blog.

The kids will be happy I found it.


Jay Noel said...

Whoa - you blogged back in 1999? Wow. Looks like all of 2004 is missing there.

Your art is really nice...

Hope you get out of your funk.

That One Chick You Know said...

I actually started in 2002 but when I was recreating the archive - the scroller went crazy and 99 appeared.

I didn't find all of the old blog however I think I am only missing 3 months of it. 2004 will be added soon!

twolf1920 said...

Just got outta my funk-It will happen-Hang in there!

Where I've Been