Saturday, October 29, 2005

I've been Tagged!

Alex Ludd says I must do this.... So here goes!

Seven things I want to do before I die:

1. lose 90 pounds and maintain it
2. become a famous artist
3. leave corporate hell & paint for a living
4. declutter my house
6. meet VANESSA
7. meet RAJA

Seven things I can do:

1. Paint, sculpt and doodle all while sitting in a 2 hour meeting at work.
2. Defy Gravity in the most unusual circumstances.
3. Play the accordion - yes even the Beer Barrell Polka. *ugh*
4. Play a mean game of kick ball
5. Jump my neices little bike off a foot high ramp all while screaming and thinking that this will be the last thing I ever do.
6. Worry about nothing that truly matters. I need help.
7. Remark sarcastically.

Seven things I cannot do:

1. Act my age!
2. Run for more than a block without fainting or feeling like my heart may burst.
3. Swear in front of my mother.
4. Remain calm entering an airplane. (that amount of tonage in the air isn't right.)
5. Sit for more that 5 minutes in a meeting without fidgeting.
6. Leave a perfectly fine looking 80's decor in a home that I just bought.
7. Stand still while the music is playin' <- stolen from Alex Ludd is a Hottie (dude, I cuncur)

Seven things I say a lot:

1. Whatever!
2. Holy Crap Batman!
3. Is he single?
4. Good lord.
5. I know you are but what am I?
6. No dude, I'm totally serious...for real.
7. Crappity crap.

Seven things I find attractive in the opposite sex:

1. Sense of humor.
2. He has a car that takes him to a job everyday - legally.
3. He is interesting, almost quirkie in a cute, smart way that only I get.
4. He dresses himself....with clean clothes.
5. Drugs, drinking, hunting, fishing &/or sports are not his Gods.
6. His hands and shoulders.
7. I'm the only thing on his menu.

Seven celebrity crushes:

1. Richard Dean Anderson
2. Richard Gere
3. Djimon Hounsou <--his character in Beauty Shop!
4. George Clooney
5. Treat Williams
6. Danny Masterson <--his charcter Hyde rocks!
7. Pierce Brosnan

Seven people who have to do this next:

1. Banana Blograma
2. Dangerously Accurate Opinions
3. R700 Riders Blog
4. Special Fried Rice
5. The Phoenix
6. The Periphery
7. Two Dolla


twolf1920 said...

Ok-I will-I want to meet the beer dude too though!

jamwall said...

i will wanna meet both beerdude and twolf! this'll be a helluva time!

Shirley said...

It's going to take me a while to figure out this one!

Raimbaut D'Aurenga said...

Sorry, sugar. No surveys on the periphery. Too much introspection required. I can barely manage outrospection these days.

Where I've Been