Monday, October 31, 2005

Dry Skin

My face is already so dry that I'm not sure what I will do when winter hits.  I'm so old.


Nancie Neal said...

Try using vitamin E oil. You can find it in any natural food store. You may even be able to find it in your local grocery store since a lot of stores are starting to sell whole foods.

I use vitamin E oil on my eczema when it appears in the winter. Along with taking fish oil capsules, it seems to help a lot.

Hope that helps you a little, anyway.

twolf1920 said...

One word-Humidifier. It works-It REALLY does!

That One Chick You Know said...

Thanks Nanci and Tad - each will be tried!!!

Shirley said...

I can't get anything to work either.

Jay Noel said...

Hydration helps, drink plenty of water.

You might want to have your water tested...hard water dries out your skin BIG TIME (just learned that recently).

You could also spread a one-inch thick layer of vasoline on your face. It will keep the moisture in, but you will look like a zombie.

OK, #1 and #2 are real, #3 is a joke. Please don't put all that vasoline on your face.

That One Chick You Know said...

Thanks for the tips. I think I will try most of them however, yes Phoenix, I will not be putting that on my face.

The vasoline, that is....

Anonymous said...


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